
Showing posts from December, 2006

Horoscope of Article Wisdom

Aries rises, with Jupiter in the 8th in Scorpio. Jupiter in the 8th is conducive to a Raja Yoga ( Randhradheeswara Ashtama Sthithirapi Syath Yoga Krith Dehinam.. ). Jupiter, the significator of finance, aspects the House of Wealth ! The Birthstar is Uttara, ruled by the Sun. Jupiter in the 8th imparts good longevity. Article Wisdom has got off to a good start, with Brian Maher submitting an article to her yesterday. Hope she will get more informative articles, to enlighten the world !

Jupiter vetoes Saturnine resistance !

Jupiter in the 5th, very favourable, has finally overcome 2nd Saturn. My Fourth website, was launched on 13th ! Not an unlucky day for me, the 13th ! Numerologically 13 is represented by the North Node ( Rahu ). The site is working fine and I have invited many of my writer-friends to submit their esteemed articles to this article directory. Elarata Saturn definitely delayed the launching of this site by one month, due to technical difficulties. Now that it is up and running, I am relieved !

Saturn, the Procrastinator

I started my fourth site, but I am having problems with that site. The Plesk web host suppors MySQl & pHp, but not Ion Cube ! So I will have to change the server which supports Ion Cube. Maybe it will some more time to be launched ! Jovian transit of the 5th has improved business. I am busier than before and increased happiness can be felt. But Saturn, the procrastinator, is creating problems with his dreaded transit of the 2nd. I am not afraid of him, but he can torment me, as he is doing now, procrastinating every thing !