
Showing posts from January, 2007

Planetary Hours

Planetary Hours are known as Kala Hora in Sanskrit. A day divided by twelve roughly is Planetary Hour. That is if the duration of day is 12 hours and 48 minuts, then PH = 12.48/12. We have developed programs to calculate Planetary Hours The sequential order of Kala Hora lords are Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter & Mars _ Arka Shukra Budhaschandra Manda Jeeva Dharasuthe Kramena Kalahoresa On Sunday, the first Planetary Hour is ruled by the lord of the day, Sun. Next planetary Hour will be that of Venus and so on in that sequential order. So twenty second Planetary Hour lord is again Sun. The twenty third will be Venus and twenty fourth will be Mercury and the twenty fifth lord will be Moon. That is why Moon's day or Monday follows Sunday ! The sequential order of Weekdays is based on the sequential order of Planetary hours ! Dina Dwadasamso Matha Kalahora Pathi tasya Poorvasya Varadhinadha Tata Shashta shashta Kramena Taresam Nisayam thu vareswarath panchamadya

The Ninefold Intelligence Theory & Astrology

The Ninefold Intelligence Theory Gardiner never said all are intelligent. He said Intelligence is ninefold ! Intra personal intelligence which adorns poets & philosophers is imparted by Jupiter. Inter personal intelligence which graces politicians & businessmen is bestowed by Saturn and Sun Musical and Spatial intelligence ( musicians ) is imparted by Venus Bodily Kinaesthetic intelligence ( sportsmen) is imparted by Mars Arithmetic &logical intelligence (programmers) is imparted b

The Solar Path !

The path of Sidereal Astrology, Vedanga Jyotisha, is said to be Saura or the Solar Path. The main Deity is the Sun, but again this is not the Sun which is visible to us, but the Invisible Absolute Sun or Absolute Self. By Whose Grace all the relative states triune are illumined Whose splendour shines in the conscious Waking State Whose magnificence pervades the dreaming & dreamless sleep That might Power whose symbol is the outer Sun, I bow ! All astrolgical practices begin by invoking the Inner Sun. The Prasna Anushtana Paddhathi, a treatise on Horary Astrology, begins like this I bow down to Him whose light shines in all the states three Who gives all sorts of boons to the righteous Who is the Base of all sciences and arts Who is the true Poet, the knower of Past, Present & Future !

Astro Therapy for Sun

Normally for Astro Therapy for the Sun's affliction, Aditya Hridayam, a treatise on the Sun, is prescribed. By Sun, we dont mean the outer Sun, but the inner Sun, the Absolute Self ! In Mysticism, everything is symbolic. The Indian may worship the Sun, but he is not worshipping the outer Sun. He is worshipping the Inner Sun, the divine component in man. He may worship the snake; but again he is not worshipping the outer snakes, but the Serpentine Energy known as the Kundalini, which lies dormant in humans ! The Aditya Hridayam is a masterly treatise on the mystic inner Absolute Sun or Absolute Self, which is the base of all that is ! In classical Astrology, Sun represents the Self ( Kalatma Dinakrit ). So it is only logical to associate the outer Sun as the true symbol of the Inner Spiritual Sun. Sun represents Self, Moon the Mind, Mars physical strength, Mercury Knowledge, Jupiter happiness, learning and wisdom Venus libido & Saturn melancholy supreme ! Sun is the King and Mo

Horoscope of Bill Gates

Mercury, the Ascendant lord, is exalted in Bill Gate's horoscope. He is posited in Virgo along with Mars. Mercury's exaltation in the Fourth has given rise to Bhadra Yoga, one of the five major Yogas in Astrology. The native will be possessing " excellent communication ability, highly skilled, skilled in sciences and arts, has good longevity and is always involved in his own work". This yoga gives high fame along with wealth and scholarship. Mars is the eleventh lord, the Lord of Gains, for Gemini Ascs. The combination of the Ascendant and 11th lords itself is a Dhana Yoga. This formidable yoga, along with the combination of the 5th & 9th lords ( which we said earlier is a Lakshmi Yoga ) makes Bill's horoscope truly outstanding. Asc - Gemin; Jupiter - Leo; Mars & Mercury - Virgo, Rahu- Scorpio, Ketu - Taurus, Moon - Pisces; Saturn, Venus & Sun - Libra. Born October 28 1955 at Seattle, 20.58 hrs. 47N36, 112W19

One Wealth Yoga validated !

One wealth yoga - the comibnation of 5th & 9th lords - stands validated by practical experience. The astrological treatise ' The Uttara Kalamrita ", averr that the 2,5,9,11 lords are the lords of wealth and any of the three combinations between them - yoga ( association ), drishti ( aspect ) & parivarthana ( interchange ) can result in Wealth. In the horoscope of Bill Gates ( Gemini rising, exalted Saturn in the 5th with swaskshetra Venus - a combination of 5th and 9th lords ), this yoga is validated. The Uttara Kalamrita says "Sa Bandha trayga Balena Sahitha Lakshadhipam Kurvathe". It is to be noted that the conujunction of Saturn and Venus are within 2 degrees, a very powerful conjunction of Bhagya( 9th ) & Lakshmi ( 5th ) lords

Jupiter giveth; Saturn taketh away

Now I am having mixed experiences, with Jupiter giving a lot of lucky breaks and Saturn taking it away as heavy expenditure Now Saturn has retrograded into Cancer, marking my Lunar First Saturn ( Janma Sani ). Saturn afflicts both physique and psyche. He takes away mental peace as my fourth site, is going through the Balarishta ( initial problems ) period. In Mundane Astrology, Saddam was hanged during the Saturn- Rahu Opposition. Now that opposition is gone and Saturn has come back to Cancer. The exact Opposition of Rahu & the North Node occurs on October 12, 2007. The whole world is going through a severe religious and financial crisis !

Free Ebook "Yoga" launched

I launched my Free Ebook " Yoga " yesterday. All can download this informative Ebook at Happy reading !