The Global Freshwater Crisis
The vata (airy) planet Saturn in Virgo has precipitated a Water Crisis. Let us see what are the solutions. ( Yesterday Mumbai reported a severe water crisis, like Hyderabad. More bad news are coming in ). Water is only a finite resource, even though it is universally assumed that global supply is infinite. Only 2.5 % of the global supply is freshwater. The rest is seawater, inacessible in ground water, ice caps and soi. This supply is limited. Rainfall is only renewable source of freshwater and per year the global supply is just 50,000 cubic km. Per year global population is increasing by 85 million. Hence the availability of freshwater per head is fast decreasing. The whole planet is overpopulated, with more than 6.5 billion people. That limited source of freshwater is polluted, diverted and depleted by foolish humans. ( " Lord, what fools these mortals be", said Shakespeare ). More than one billon people lack access to safe, drinking water. UN says 31 countries face water s...