
Showing posts from May, 2012

Astro Meteorology is right again !

Astro Meteorology's prediction that rains will start from Rohini Njattuvela ( Solar Transit of Aldebaran ) cam true, as it rained well at night in Trichur. Now the sky is overcast and rains can come at any time in Kerala. The South West Monsoon hit the Andamans on 20th and is expected to reach Kerala on 29th. We will have torrential rains !

The Seven Types of Ignorance !

Man is 'blessed' with seven types of ignorance.  Cosmic Ignorance  Ignorant we are about the origin, purpose and becoming of our existence in this Cosmos. Absolute Ignorance The Absolute is the source of all being and becoming. and we are ignorant of the Absolute. Egotistic Ignorance Egotistic Ignorance is that we are ignorant of the spaceless timeless and immortal self. We have only a short life. Temporal Ignorance We are ignorant of our eternal becoming in time; that is the fourth temporal ignorance. Psychological Ignorance This prevents us from knowing who we really are. Constitutional Ignorance We are also ignorant of the true constitution of our becoming.. Practical Ignorance Because of greed and fear, we commit many a blunder and this is our Practical Ignorance. We have to transcend this sevenfold Ignorance and rise to Integral Knowledge, which is needed for Enlightenment.

Karthika Njattuvela, the Solar Transit of the Pleiades strikes !

The Indian Astro Calender was proved right, as when Karthika Njattuvela began on 10th, it heralded the rains. It started raining at 0700 PM yesterday and rained continously for 12 hours ! I couldnt even work on FB, because of the heavy thunder and lightning. I stopped working on FB at 0900 PM. Our Astro Calender says that it will start raining from 10th May and rains will intensify after 29th, when the Solar Transit of 15th degree of Taurus or Edavam takes place. While this is Astro Meteorology's perspective, Meteorlogy will say that rains are due to depressions in the Indian Ocean or the Bay of Bengal, giving it some fancy names such as La Nina or El Nino ! Here is a photo of paddy fields inundated by yesterday's rains !

One yearn for rains !

It is a very hot day today and one yearns for the rains. The South West Monsoon will begin on 29th May, but before that rains are expected to appear after May 10th, when the Solar transit of the Pleiades or Karthika Njattuvela begins. May there be plenty of rains and may be land become fertile, Kale Varshe thu parjanya prithvee sasya shalini !