
Showing posts from December, 2012

The Ardra Festival ( Thiruvathira )

Today is Thiruvathira Festival, which occurs during the month of Dhanus. It symbolises the union of Purusha and Prakriti, of Siva and Sakthi. It is said that Eros or Kama Deva was burnt to ashes by the Lord, t...hereby destroying the Lust that binds man to the sublunar world. This festival is prevalent in the Nair and Namboothiri communities in Kerala. Actually this Festival starts on the day of Aswathi. On Rohini day, women pray for the overall welfare of the family. On Makiryam day, mothers fast for the well being of the children. On Aridra day, women fast for the well being of their husbands. They wake up at 0400 AM and go to the nearest Lord Siva shrine, before Sunrise. This is called Ardra Darshan. Special food, koova payasam or arrowroot pudding is taken in with steamed bananas. I remember my mother giving me such food during childhood Happy Thiruvathira to all !

The Inseparability of Life and Love

Life and Love are inseparable. In Vedic Symbology, the Rishies represented it as the biune principles of Siva and Sakthi. Siva represents Universal Life and Shakti is emblematic of Universa Love. The poet Kalidasa averred Inseparable as Word and Meaning So are the Two in One Consciousness and Force The Infinite and the Finite Absolute and Relative The One and the Innumerable The Formless and a delirium of forms The Universal and the Individual Purusha and Prakrithi Brahman and Maya Creative Nature and Created Nature Being and Becoming In Life Practical Love and Universal Life! Vagartha iva Sampruktau Vagartha Prathipathaye Jagatha Pitharau Vande Parvathee Parameswarau

The Literature of India

Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind Left to the posterity of those that are yet unborn. – Dante By Vedas no books are meant. This perspective is contrary to what people think. They are eternal truths cognised by the Seers in higher states of Consciousness. Books have great value. Reading maketh a full man, said Bacon. Writing a precise man and Conference a ready man. There are so many books in Vedic Literature. The Rishies meant that Knowledge is the main criterion for success, Vidya Dhanam Sarva Dhanal Pradhanam. Knowledge is that which cannot be stolen, that which cannot be taxed, that which cannot be shared and that which is not burdensome. When compared to mundane wealth, Divine Wealth or Wisdom is greater ! Wisdom has her blessings unknown to Wealth. We have heard about Dante and Goethe, but not Aurobindo or Tagore. We know Laplace and Lagrange, if not Liebniz, but not Aryabhata or Bhaskara. We know Shakespeare, but not Kalidasa ! Beethoven and

Astro Meterology Articles on Astrologia Vedica

I just moved all my Astro Meteorology articles from Eastro Vedica to Astrologia Vedica , as Eastro Vedica was getting immense traffic. 22 GB. I removed all unnecessary links from Astrologia Vedica , which now functions as an Astro Meteorology site. Those who have got ideas about Astro Meterology are welcome to contribute articles to Astrologia Vedica . We can develop this science. There are only two well known books on the subject, the Mysterium Cosmographicum by Kepler and Krishi Geetha by Parasurama.

Sachin back in action !

Many called for his retirement but Sachin is Sachin. He scored a glorious 76 which initiated Indian scoring over 300. England may lead but Sachin had a point to prove. Why should he retired just because Ponting has retired ? Still runs can flow from his blessed bat ! India needs him and with him around Indian batting looks formidable ( particularly in India ).

Transit of Saturn through Sidereal Libra

   ( Saturn entered Libra  on Nov 15 , 2011  and is there for 2 ½ years ) Saturn teaches us frugality, simplicity and humility. He teaches us the value of time. He is a great taskmaster and He brings in a sense of discipline in our lives. He is not an evil Karma account keeper, as most   imagine. If you take a loan, you have to pay interest. Similarly you have to   pay for your wages. Saturn purges you of your sins and leads you to Self Actualisation ! Most of the things that have gone wrong with the world - the Great Recession & political chaos - can be attributed to Saturn. Financial stringency and crisis, chaotic weather, accidents that were frequent, high failure rates of governments responding to crisis are all the works of Saturn in Libra Here we give the effects of Transit Saturn in Libra for different signs. Moon Sign - Is the Zodiacal Sign where your Moon is posited in your sidereal horoscope in Astrology Vedic.   Moon Sign Virgo -  

Jove in the 11th good for me !

Some guys who are newbies are using my articles on Gemology. I caught ten of them and wrote to them to give me credit.” At least mention the source”, I told them. The Resource Box must be intact if one is to publish somebody else’s article. Meanwhile I am redesigning, optimising  ,as I feel that this site is affected by Penguin and Panda ! Unnecessary links, keywords etc are removed. I have never done keyword stuffing in my life. So my articles are free from that blemish. Traffic is picking up at my sites on Deerfield server and the article sites are coming of age. I do not get sufficient time to work on Facebook and Youtube, because of the redesigning work. My time has changed. Even though Jupiter in the 11th is good for career, Saturn in the 4th is not. Transit Saturn is creating obstacles and impediments, denying the much needed mental peace. Jupiter will be there in the lunar 11th and so I dont have to worry till May 31st, when He moves over to Gemin