
Showing posts from April, 2016

Drought in India is created by Secularists

We reiterate that the potential drought in India is created by Secularists influenced by Anti Paganism. By destroying trees and water reservoirs,they see to that evapo - transpiration does not take place in the Water Cycle and the land becomes parched ! While the First Science ( Vedanta Sastra ) reveres Jagat, Jiva and Para ( Universal Nature, individual souls and the Supreme ), the anti paganists revered only a jealous God sitting in the clouds ! They believe that Man is a sinner and Prakriti or Nature is something to be exploited for commercial purposes ! While Paganism extolled everything as sacred and divine ( Sarvam Khalu idam Brahma ), Anti Paganism throned Him in Heaven. While Paganism averrs that Heaven and Hell are only states of Mind, Anti Paganism declare that they are concrete realities. No wonder Russell said " All dogmas belong to Theology' ! In Kerala, the anti paganists are not bothered about the environment. They want to destroy

Water Conservation Technologies

Heat has gone upto 39.8 degrees here in Kerala. It is more in TN and other sites. We had warned in our columns about Water Management flaws. Now  many parts of India are facing drought. Kala Varsha will set in when the longitude of the Sun touches 45 degrees and not before. Today it is the 12th Rising ( Sun at 12 degrees in the 360 degrees Zodiac ). If we dont formulate a Water Policy, especially for protecting the paddy fields ( which act as Nature's water reservoirs ), we are doomed. By 2050, India may run out of water, due to the burgeoning population ! Unless stringent measures are brought in to control population and destruction of water reservoirs, trees and plants, conservation of forests et al, India will have to face the Music ! It is the difference in Philosophy which is responsible for this impasse. While Hindu Philosophy advocates Conservation of water reservoirs, forest lands and Prakriti in general, the anti paganists revere only the Creator and not Nature, w

Day of Tenth Rising of the Sun

Today is a Sacred day, the Day of Tenth Rising of the Sun, wherein the Eternians worship the Lord as the Exoteric Symbol of the Esoteric Absolute Self, as Soorya Narayana ! Graharsha tara chakrascha Paramanvadina Jagath Samvatsaravasanena Paryethya Nimisho Vishu ! May the Sun shower His blessings on us all !

Some Vishu songs, on the eve of Vishu !

Some Vishu songs, on the eve of Vishu ! The word Vishu derives from Vishu Vat Vritta, the Celesial Equator in Hindu Astronomy, which aligns with the Kranti Vritta or Ecliptic tomorrow, making Sun's declination Zero Degree and his gross RA, 0 Degree !

Movement of the Cosmos !

I had put this Song before, but it was a girl singing in a TV show and hence not with original scenes. Lakshmi and Ambareesh here as actors and the great voices of Yesudas and S Janaki. Another Mal classic ! It also brings into prominence the genius of Sreekumaran Thampy ! Did not Einstein say that every man is a genius ? ആ...ആ..ആ..ആ..ആ.... ആ...ആലാപനം.......ആ....ആലാപനം... ആലാപനം....ആ...ആ....ആലാപനം ആലാപനം...ആലാപനം അനവദ്യ സംഗീതാലാപനം അനാദി മധ്യാന്തമീ വിശ്വചലനം അനവദ്യ സംഗീതാലാപനം (ആലാപനം ) The movement of the Cosmos Is beginingless and endless So is the Science of Musicology Lovely to hear ! കോടാനുകോടി ശ്രുതികളിലുണരും കോടാനുകോടി സ്വരങ്ങളിലൂടെ അജ്ഞാതമാം കളകണ്ഠത്തില്‍നിന്നും അഭംഗുരമായ് അനുസ്യൂതമായ് തുടരും In millions of Sruthis In millons of voices From unknown bottoms Musicology reigns ! ആലാപനം ( ആലാപനം ) ജീവനസങ്കല്പ ലഹരിയില്‍ മുങ്ങും ഈ വസുന്ധര ഒരു ദുഃഖരാഗം This earthly note of sorrow Is sunk in the mirage of Mind ! Ascensions are mounta