
Showing posts from March, 2018
As the First Planetary Hour Ruler today,01 04 18, is the Sun and Arka Shambhu.....     Omkaram Bindu Samyuktam or Shad Akshara Stotra  This is known as Shad Akshara Mantra With six verses, beginning with Each letter of the six glorious letters, Om, Na Ma Si Va Ya ! The letters Six are He ! He who is of the nature of AUM Symbolising the three states relative Waking, dreaming and dreamless sleep And the Fourth, Transcendence Who resides as Dot in the Heart Meditated by Yogis ever Who is the conferror Of both Liberation and Prosperity To Him of the form of AUM I bow in reverential awe ! Omkaaram Bindu-Samyuktam Nityam Dhyaayanti Yoginah Kaamadam Mokssadam Caiva Omkaaraaya Namo Namah More at
Ephemeris Positions for today, 31 03 18 Sun's Longitude - 346 degrees Moon in Delta Corvi, Hasta Full Moon, Pournami & the Day of Shani / Saturn. We begin the day with a Bhajan. O Burner of poverty I salute Thee  entire ! Lord of the Universe Wearer of the Crescent Wearer of hair uncombed And fair as camphor ! Visweswaraya narakarnava tharanaya, Karnamruthaya Sasi shekara dharanaya, Karpoorakanthi dhavalaya jada dharaya, Daridrya Dukha dahanaya Nama Shivaya. Full Lyrics with translation at
As the First Planetary Hour Ruler ( today, 30 03 18 ) is Venus and Annapoorneswari Lakshmi....................  The Eightfold Verse about the Mother Divine  Like Socrates who said " I know nothing, not even my own ignorance", Sankara was also known for his humility. "I know not Philosophy, Literature or Science " , he says in his poem, Bhavani Ashtakam. I am one of the worst beings and my only refuge is Thee !  Neither do I know how to donate, Nor Meditation transcendental Neither do I know Tantra, Nor the stanzas of prayer great, Worshipping is unknown to me , Nor do I know the art of yoga, Thou art my only Refuge , O Mother Divine ! Read on at
As the First Planetary Hour Ruler ( today, 30 03 18 ) is Venus and Annapoorneswari Lakshmi....................  The Eightfold Verse about the Mother Divine  Like Socrates who said " I know nothing, not even my own ignorance", Sankara was also known for his humility. "I know not Philosophy, Literature or Science " , he says in his poem, Bhavani Ashtakam. I am one of the worst beings and my only refuge is Thee !  Neither do I know how to donate, Nor Meditation transcendental Neither do I know Tantra, Nor the stanzas of prayer great, Worshipping is unknown to me , Nor do I know the art of yoga, Thou art my only Refuge , O Mother Divine ! Read on at
An Octet to the Guru Divine or  Thotaka Ashtakam   By   Govind  Kumar   Thotaka, one of the disciples of Sankara, wrote an octet in praise of his Master, Bhagavan Sankara. The metre he used in his composition was the difficult but the most beautiful Thotaka. This  eightfold verse voice the extreme loyalty and devotion he had for his Master. There is nothing superior to the Guru, none greater than Him. Guru is the destroyer of Ignorance and on the Grace of the Grace rests the fulfilment of the  dream of Self Actualisation ! His devotion is best expressed in the soul moving note of this magnificent song , Be Thou my Refuge, O Master Divine ! viditákhilaùástrasudhájaladhe mahitopanisatkathitárthanidhe hødaye kalaye vimalam caraïam bhava ùañkara deùika me ùaranam.(1) O Knower of the Milk Ocean of Sciences philosophic Proponent of the mighty Upanishads My heart yearns for Thy faultless feet Be Thou my Refuge, O Master Divine  More at
We have given a lot of free datas here, as people find it difficult to register on , as it is a Subscription Model. We will provide more datas. ( More than 1000 profiles have just come to G4marry recently ) . Why we have given two MDBs is this. Email is a must for registering in  , while here we have given free datas of  those without email address ! For Dating Horoscopes, we    have differentiated horoscopes into three categories Chova , with Martial blemish Shuddha , horoscopes free from malefic influence Madhya,  horoscopes with half or one Dosha and we are the only Astro Matrimonial Data Bank doing such astro service.         
Great intellectual debates at Whatspp Group, Eternal Wisdom. Pseudo Secularism or real Secularism ? Pls join.via this link.

Worship the Lord !

As the First Planetary Hour Ruler today is Mercury and Sree Ramadyavatara Vishnurudita .. Worship the Lord Turn to Him for succour Acquire Wisdom divine For, at the time of departure Of soul from body Worldliness cannot save thee ! Bhaja govindam bhaja govindam Bhaja govindam müãhamate, Samprápte sannihite kále Na hi na hi rakúati dukøòkaraïe. Translated Lyrics at
In this Song of Magic, we find Virtue and Vice locked in eternal combat, with Virtue winning at the end ! O Primal Power, Conferror of Ambrosia Bless us with Grace entire May I dance like a peacock before Thee Before Thy sanctrum sanctorum ! The eightfold Ragas Are Thy veins, O Music Personified ! Give me those Flow to my mind As a rare Raga ! And move the feet bells ! More at

Eternal Music

Eternal Music, Sacred Music,  is Nada Yoga. Through Sound,  Union with the Divine can be achieved. Kundalini can rise when you listen to Sacred Music.  We have compiled for you some Sacred Music videos which can arouse your Kundalini. We are here giving some great hymns and their  videos, sung by professional playback singers, the original verses and their translations ! We have uploaded world-class mp4s at
Dasavatara Sloka or Pralaya Payodhi or Hymn to the Ten Incarnations !                                    Pralaya-payodhi-jale dhruta vanasi vedam Vihita-vahitra-charitramakhedam Keshava dhruta-meena-sarira jaya jagadisa hare 1 Hail, O Lord Lord of the Universe Who became Fish Protecting Vedas Immersed as they were In turbulent sea of deluge From malefic influences Protecing it like a boat ! Saluations to Thee ! Kshitirathi vipulatare tisthtati tava prushte Dharani-dharana-kina-chakra-garishte , Keshava dhruta-kachapa-sarira jaya jagadisa hare 2
I had put this Song before, but it was a girl singing in a TV show and hence not with original scenes. Lakshmi and Ambareesh here as actors and the great voices of Yesudas and S Janaki. Another Mal classic ! It also brings into prominence the genius of Sreekumaran Thampy ! Did not Einstein say that every man is a genius ? à´†...à´†..à´†..à´†..à´†.... à´†...ആലാപനം.......à´†....ആലാപനം... ആലാപനം....à´†...à´†....ആലാപനം ആലാപനം...ആലാപനം അനവദ്à´¯ à´¸ംà´—ീà´¤ാà´²ാപനം à´…à´¨ാà´¦ി മധ്à´¯ാà´¨്തമീ à´µിà´¶്വചലനം അനവദ്à´¯ à´¸ംà´—ീà´¤ാà´²ാപനം (ആലാപനം ) The movement of the Cosmos Is beginingless and endless So is the Science of Musicology Lovely to hear ! à´•ോà´Ÿാà´¨ുà´•ോà´Ÿി à´¶്à´°ുà´¤ിà´•à´³ിà´²ുണരും à´•ോà´Ÿാà´¨ുà´•ോà´Ÿി à´¸്വരങ്ങളിà´²ൂà´Ÿെ à´…à´œ്à´žാതമാം കളകണ്à´ à´¤്à´¤ിà´²്‍à´¨ിà´¨്à´¨ും à´…à´­ംà´—ുà´°à´®ാà´¯് à´…à´¨ുà´¸്à´¯ൂതമാà´¯് à´¤ുà´Ÿà´°ും In millions of Sruthis In millons of voices From unknown bottoms Musicology reigns ! ആലാപനം ( ആലാപനം ) à´œീവനസങ്à´•à´²്à´ª ലഹരിà´¯ിà´²്‍ à´®ുà´™്à´™ും à´ˆ വസുà´¨്ധര à´’à´°ു à´¦ുഃà´–à´°ാà´—ം This earthly note of sorrow Is sunk in the mirage of Mind ! Ascensions are mountain peaks Descensions are
I had put this Song before, but it was a girl singing in a TV show and hence not with original scenes. Lakshmi and Ambareesh here as actors and the great voices of Yesudas and S Janaki. Another Mal classic ! It also brings into prominence the genius of Sreekumaran Thampy ! Did not Einstein say that every man is a genius ? à´†...à´†..à´†..à´†..à´†.... à´†...ആലാപനം.......à´†....ആലാപനം... ആലാപനം....à´†...à´†....ആലാപനം ആലാപനം...ആലാപനം അനവദ്à´¯ à´¸ംà´—ീà´¤ാà´²ാപനം à´…à´¨ാà´¦ി മധ്à´¯ാà´¨്തമീ à´µിà´¶്വചലനം അനവദ്à´¯ à´¸ംà´—ീà´¤ാà´²ാപനം (ആലാപനം ) The movement of the Cosmos Is beginingless and endless So is the Science of Musicology Lovely to hear ! à´•ോà´Ÿാà´¨ുà´•ോà´Ÿി à´¶്à´°ുà´¤ിà´•à´³ിà´²ുണരും à´•ോà´Ÿാà´¨ുà´•ോà´Ÿി à´¸്വരങ്ങളിà´²ൂà´Ÿെ à´…à´œ്à´žാതമാം കളകണ്à´ à´¤്à´¤ിà´²്‍à´¨ിà´¨്à´¨ും à´…à´­ംà´—ുà´°à´®ാà´¯് à´…à´¨ുà´¸്à´¯ൂതമാà´¯് à´¤ുà´Ÿà´°ും In millions of Sruthis In millons of voices From unknown bottoms Musicology reigns ! ആലാപനം ( ആലാപനം ) à´œീവനസങ്à´•à´²്à´ª ലഹരിà´¯ിà´²്‍ à´®ുà´™്à´™ും à´ˆ വസുà´¨്ധര à´’à´°ു à´¦ുഃà´–à´°ാà´—ം This earthly note of sorrow Is sunk in the mirage of Mind ! Ascensions are mountain peaks Descensions are it
These lines are similar to Shakespeare's But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief, That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she. Says the lover O Queen with the sacred ash on thy forehead I will block thy Monday Fasting ! Remember thou when I saw thee on Puja Day I wrote Hari Sree on thy cheeks The Hari Sree of Love ! Remember the Vishu gift thou gave On the day of Vishu The Vishu gift of Love ! The famous trio of Vayalar- Devarajan - Yesudas had done it again ! തങ്à´• à´­à´¸്à´® à´•ുà´±ിà´¯ിà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ തമ്à´ªുà´°ാà´Ÿ്à´Ÿി à´¨ിà´¨്à´±െ à´¤ിà´™്à´•à´³ാà´´്à´š à´¨ോà´¯ംà´¬ിà´¨്à´¨ു à´®ുà´Ÿà´•്à´•ും à´žാൻ à´¤ിà´°ുà´µിà´²്à´µാമലയിൽ à´¨േà´¦ിà´š്à´š് à´•ൊà´£്à´Ÿ് വരും ഇളനിർ à´•ുà´Ÿà´®ിà´¨്à´¨ുà´Ÿà´•്à´•ും à´žാൻ വടക്à´•ിà´¨ി തളത്à´¤ിൽ à´ªൂജയെà´Ÿുà´ª്à´ªിà´¨ു à´µെà´³ുà´ª്à´ªാൻ à´•ാലത്à´¤് à´•à´£്à´Ÿà´ª്à´ªോൾ à´®ുറപ്à´ªെà´¨െ à´¨ിà´¨്à´±െ à´ªൂà´™്à´•à´µിà´³ി നകൾ à´žാൻ ഹരിà´¶്à´°ീ à´Žà´´ുà´¤ിയതോർമയിà´²്à´²േ à´ª്à´°േമത്à´¤ിൻ ഹരിà´¶്à´°ീ à´Žà´´ുà´¤ിയതോർമയിà´²്à´²േ തങ്à´• à´­à´¸്à´® .... à´¤ുà´®്à´ª à´ªൂകളത്à´¤ിൽ à´¤ിà´°ുà´µോണത്à´¤ിà´¨് à´¤ുà´®്à´ªി à´¤ുà´³്à´²ാà´¨ിà´°ുà´¨്നപോൾ à´ª
Here is Venus, powerfully posited in Taurus, for Scorpio Ascendant, creating a world class poet. The Bard of Avon, Shakespeare. Venus in the 7th, angular and in his own house, confers Malavya Yoga and imparts Poetic skill, handsomeness & the divine gift of articulate speech. Kavya, Komala & Vagvilasamathulam !

Which planet gave poetic prowess to Shakespeare ?

Here is Venus, powerfully posited in Taurus, for Scorpio Ascendant, creating a world class poet. The Bard of Avon, Shakespeare. Venus in the 7th, angular and in his own house, confers Malavya Yoga and imparts Poetic skill, handsomeness & the divine gift of articulate speech. Kavya, Komala & Vagvilasamathulam !
Another classic Hamsa Yoga - Abdul Kallam, Former President, Cancer Rising, along with exalted Jupiter !

Western brothers enjoying Peruvanam Pooram

As the First Planetary Hour Ruler is Mars and Kalyadya Kuja Rasi
A splendid song about the Arts of Kerala ! O glorious land of Kerala, The Poetic Danseuse Wearing Feet Bells And the land of eternal Arts ! Small poems, Kili Pattukal Flow from Thee ! The lovely Mohiniattam is from Thee Which arouses Moha, Desires ! From the temple halls Arose Koothu and Koodiattam ! Full Lyrics & Translation at
Our socialist friends say that Sanskrit & Hindi are being enforced by the Centre. They have to be enforced ( at least in CBSE syllabus & Navodaya ), as one is a Scholarly Language and the other, National Language.Those who are against may be eyeing narrow, political gains !
Our socialist friends say that Sanskrit & Hindi are being enforced by the Centre. They have to be enforced ( at least in CBSE syllabus & Navodaya ), as one is a Scholarly Language and the other, National Language.Those who are against may be eyeing narrow, political gains ! Source
Vipareeta Raja Yoga is very controversial. While Sage Parashara says it is bad, Varaha hailed it as a powerful Raja Yoga, raja sau nripati prashastha vibhavo rajadhi rajeswara. The lords of 6,8 & 12 are known as trika lords and considered evil. Malefic results will accrue to the native during their periods of directional influence. So, says Parashara, caution should be exercised while dealing with them, a view seconded by the great Dr B V Raman. But, we find that, in the horoscopes of two luminaries, V R Y was very effective. Donald Trump's & Ramakrishna Dalmia's. In Dalmia's horoscope, Taurus was rising, with Jupiter, the 8th lord in t2th. In Trump's natal chart, Saturn, the 6 th lord is in the 12th.

Inverse Regal Yoga / Vipareeta Raja Yoga

Vipareeta Raja Yoga is very controversial. While Sage Parashara says it is bad, Varaha hailed it as a powerful Raja Yoga, raja sau nripati prashastha vibhavo rajadhi rajeswara. The lords of 6,8 & 12 are known as trika lords and considered evil. Malefic results will accrue to the native during their periods of directional influence. So, says Parashara, caution should be exercised while dealing with them, a view seconded by the great Dr B V Raman. But, we find that, in the horoscopes of two luminaries, V R Y was very effective. Donald Trump's & Ramakrishna Dalmia's. In Dalmis's horoscope, Taurus was rising, with Jupiter, the 8th lord in t2th. In Trump's natal chart, Saturn, the 6 th lord is in the 12th.
This is a sample horoscope, the horoscope of G Kumar, computed by our Zodiac Software    ____________________________________________________________________                Z o d i a c A d v a n c e d A s t r o l o g y  ____________________________________________________________________ NAME                         : Kumar SEX                          : MALE BIRTH STAR                   : ASLESHA STAR QUARTER (PADA)          : 1 LORD OF ASTERISM             : MERCURY MOON SIGN                    : CANCER LORD OF MOON SIGN            : MOON KARANA                       : Pashu TIME OF BIRTH                : 9.50 AM STANDARD TIME DATE OF BIRTH                : 23/06/1955 THURSDAY PLACE OF BIRTH               : TRICHUR AYANAMSA                     : CHAITRA PAKSHA LONGITUDE                    : 76.15 EAST LATITUDE                     : 10.30 NORTH SUNRISE                      : 6.05 AM SUNSET                       : 6.48 PM TIMEZONE                     : 5.30 EAST OF GREENWICH CALCULATI

Sample Horoscope of Zodiac !

This is a sample horoscope, the horoscope of G Kumar, computed by our Zodiac Software    ____________________________________________________________________                Z o d i a c A d v a n c e d A s t r o l o g y  ____________________________________________________________________ NAME                         : Kumar SEX                          : MALE BIRTH STAR                   : ASLESHA STAR QUARTER (PADA)          : 1 LORD OF ASTERISM             : MERCURY MOON SIGN                    : CANCER LORD OF MOON SIGN            : MOON KARANA                       : Pashu TIME OF BIRTH                : 9.50 AM STANDARD TIME DATE OF BIRTH                : 23/06/1955 THURSDAY PLACE OF BIRTH               : TRICHUR AYANAMSA                     : CHAITRA PAKSHA LONGITUDE                    : 76.15 EAST LATITUDE                     : 10.30 NORTH SUNRISE                      : 6.05 AM SUNSET                       : 6.48 PM TIMEZONE                     : 5.30 EAST OF GREENWICH CALCULATI
If Jupiter retrogrades, it will confer royal power, vakreenastu mahaveerya subha rajyaprada griha..... Retrograde Jupiter was there in the horoscopes of these celebrities, Indira ; NTR
The Sun's longitude is 340 degrees today, 25 03 18, which means Kerala is experiencing the hot, summer season. Temperature has gone upto 34 - 36 degrees. We have the hot months of Meena & Mesha before us. Acute potable water problem in many villages have been reported, due to poor water management. Kerala is in for big trouble, before Edava Pathi dawns on 29th May, when Sun's longitude becomes 45 degrees ! If you know your Moon you can know what the divine forces of Destiny have in store for you. Meda Kooru, Mesha, Aries ( Aswini, Bharani, Karthika 1/4 ) Edava Kooru, Vrishabha, Taurus ( Karthika 3/4, Rohini, Mrigasira 1/2 ) Mithuna Kooru, Mithuna, Gemini ( Mrigasira 1/2, Aridra, Punarvasu 3/4 ) Karkitadaka Koo