Sixfold Analysis

My last posts were translations of certain Sanskrit verses, which I felt, was not translated before. You will have to pardon my diagression.

My astro site,, is doing well, with the site receiving more than 340 K hits. It has also gone up in Alexa rating and in the number of unique visitors.

We have been successful with the Sixfold Analysis, wherein a planet is declared weak or strong, on the basis of Shastiamsas or points got in Shadbala or the Sixfold Analysis

V I B A L A Planets in the Sixfold Strength

Knowest thou not that planets called Vibala
Are planets weak in the Sixfold Strength?
Cancellation Bhanga they cause of Raja Yoga
And are harmful in their nature; Learned One!

Know that Weak Planets cause Raja Yoga Bhanga
Exalted with other strengths is Sampoorna called;
Devoid of other strengths is Poorna; of medium strength
Below its average strength in Sixfold is Riktha; weak

Use these terms for correct prognostication O Noble One!


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