The only Visible Science, Astrology !

There are sciences main Six
In Indian Philosophy divine
Yoga, Sankhya, Vedanta,
Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Poorma
Mimamsas or world views called
Six auxiliary sciences there are
Astrology, Kalpa, Definition
Phonetics, Grammar & Iambics
These are the sciences Twelve !
These are sciences philosophic
Origins of the Mind Intuitive
The Seers fused Reason with Intuition
And divined the subatomic levels !
All sciences philosophic have disappeared
Controversial most of them are
Astrology is the visible Science
Controversial most of them are
Astrology is the visible Science
( As you can see planets with telescope )
With Sun & Moon as witnesses celestial !
This is a translation of a poetic verse in Prasna Anushtana Paddhathi. The Seers, after divining the subtle states of Energy and Matter, presented them in poetic verses. Poetry is divine, it is the centre and circumference of all learning !
With Sun & Moon as witnesses celestial !
This is a translation of a poetic verse in Prasna Anushtana Paddhathi. The Seers, after divining the subtle states of Energy and Matter, presented them in poetic verses. Poetry is divine, it is the centre and circumference of all learning !
Zodiacal Number System : The Total Longitude Method
If the Longitude Total falls in constellations negative
Not fully enjoyed will be the House Significations
If - on the other hand - positivity is more than minus
All the significations of the House will fully enjoyed
Negative will be the house indications if
Said Longitude falls in Signs & Stars negative!
Samhara- Durithamsaka- Gandanda- Ushna- Visha
Dhooma stars - Vishti - 6 & 8th lords Sign!
Signs rising backwards -Adhomukha Signs-Riktha
Downtide Signs -Karanas & functional malefics!
Positive be the house indications O scholar if
Said Longitude falls in Stars & Signs Positive!
Pranamsa - Dehamsa - Srishti - Piyusha - Oordhwa
Benefic aspects -benign- Uptide-Trines & angles !
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