
Showing posts from March, 2007

The Solar Trinity

The ancients took the Sun as the external symbol of the Absolute Self. The Sun at dawn is the Creator Brahma At midday he is the destroyer Shiva At Sunset he is the Preserver Vishnu He is the lord of all the three realms! Brahmaswaroopa Udaye Madhyahne Thu Sadasiva Astha Kale Swayam Vishnu Trailokyam Dinakarah The Western mystics took his three manifestations as Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Manly P Hall writes in " The Secret Teachings of the Ages" thus The philosophers of Greece and Egypt divided the life of the sun during the year into four parts; therefore they symbolized the Solar Man by four different figures. When He was born in the winter solstice, the Sun God was symbolized as a dependent infant who in some mysterious manner had managed to escape the Powers of Darkness seeking to destroy Him while He was still in the cradle of winter. The sun, being weak at this season of the year, had no golden rays (or locks of hair), but the survival of the light through

Transcendental Alchemy

There are four types of Alchemy 1) Physical Alchemy 2) Psychological Alchemy 3) Biological Alchemy 4) Trascendental Alchemy Alchemy is related to Astrology, as the Seven Revolving Heavens represents the metals seven Gold - Sun Silver - Moon Jupiter - Tin Venus - Copper Saturn - Lead Mars - Iron Mercury - Mercury Gold is the metal of the Sun. The Sun represents the Absolute Self, the Divine Solar Consciousness in World Mysticism. Hence the purpose of Transcendental Alchemy is to transmute our earthly nature ( base metals ) into gold ( divine nature ). Meditation Triune is prescribed for this transmutation Alchemy is effected by the Fourfold Yoga, via Wisdom, which involves the Discriminative Intellect, which discriminates between the Eternal and the Temporal. The Eternal is the Self, the Witness Consciousness in us. It is like a Mirror, which mirrors everything. It is filled with perceptions of the outer world. Hence it does not experience its own nature. Negating the Ureal and affir

Alchemy, Yoga & Astrology

Alchemy is a similar discipline as Yoga. The soul undergoes Putrefaction, Fermentation and Combustion and these are yogic processes. Alchemy is referred to as Labour of the Sun, of the Greater Central Sun. All mystic schools were Solar ! Astrology is also considered as Saura, of the Solar Path ! By Sol is the meant the Inner Sun, the Absolute Self, the Divine Solar Consciousness. This labour of the Sun is symbolised by the Eye of Ra, the Solar Symbol, the Eye of Divine Providence ! In the West, Alchemy was founded by the divine Hermes Trigmegistus. It was referred to as the Fire Religion, as alchemical principles were based on the Inner Divine Fire or the Kundalinic Fire, the fiery Serpent which lies coiled in humans. During its ascent, it burns away the mortal dross ! She lies coiled at the Muladhara, the Base Chakra. During Meditation, She rises and ascends to the Crown Chakra, giving the initiate the taste of Cosmic Consciousness. Alchemy is derived from two words in Arabic, "a