Alchemy, Yoga & Astrology

Alchemy is a similar discipline as Yoga. The soul undergoes Putrefaction, Fermentation and Combustion and these are yogic processes. Alchemy is referred to as Labour of the Sun, of the Greater Central Sun. All mystic schools were Solar ! Astrology is also considered as Saura, of the Solar Path ! By Sol is the meant the Inner Sun, the Absolute Self, the Divine Solar Consciousness. This labour of the Sun is symbolised by the Eye of Ra, the Solar Symbol, the Eye of Divine Providence !

In the West, Alchemy was founded by the divine Hermes Trigmegistus. It was referred to as the Fire Religion, as alchemical principles were based on the Inner Divine Fire or the Kundalinic Fire, the fiery Serpent which lies coiled in humans. During its ascent, it burns away the mortal dross ! She lies coiled at the Muladhara, the Base Chakra. During Meditation, She rises and ascends to the Crown Chakra, giving the initiate the taste of Cosmic Consciousness.

Alchemy is derived from two words in Arabic, "al" meaning " the " and "Khem" meaning Egypt. Sir William Budge opined that Alchemy comes from the Egyptian word "Khemein", meaning black powder. This word became prominent in the Alexandrian Mystery Schools. Alexandria was then the philosophic capital of Egypt.

Purpose of Alchemy

Alchemy is the Science of Being, based on the values of the Infinite. It is the Divine Plan and the vehicle of the Ageless Wisdom. Masterminds of the ages wouldnt have indulged in it, if it had only a mundane aim.

In every man, there is a hunger to learn about superconscient truths. He is always in search of "the Philosopher's Stone" or " the Holy Grail ". Alchemy is referred to as " Path of Return", from Becoming to Being. Alchemy teaches Man the principles of regeneration and resurrection, laws of creation and transmutation; the laws that would assist Man to regain his "Paradise". Alchemy is the true Jnana Yoga; Union with the Divine is effected through the principles of








The ancient Mysteries called it the Regenerative Science par excellence !


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