The Transit of the North Node


The Transit of the North Node, Rahu

Despite the heavy work load caused by 10th Rahu, you will get professional enhancement and reputation. You may appear overworked and the best way to ease the tension is to take recourse to Rejuvenation Therapy or Rasayana Chikitsa of Ayurveda. Fasting is supposed to be the best medicine ( Lankhanam Param Oushadham ). Transcendental Meditation can give you immense relief from the vexations of physique and psyche. Because of the success of your Karma, there will be improvements in the professional, financial and fame spheres. There will be more admirers and your PR improves considerably. You can resort to Astro Therapy by reciting the mantra of Rahu - Om Rahave Namah - in a state of purity. If you wear a Rahu Yantra, the North Node may not trouble you.


9th Transit of Rahu may give some lucky breaks as well as some tense moments. There may be temptations galore and you will have to exercise maximum prudence and restraint. Be careful about the jealous. Also money handling. You can resort to Astro Therapy by reciting the mantra of Rahu - Om Rahave Namah - in a state of purity. If you wear a Rahu Yantra, the North Node may not trouble you.


In order to overcome health problems, you can take recourse to Rejuvenation Therapy or Rasayana Chikitsa of Ayurveda. 8th Transit of Rahu may give some apprehensive moments. There may be problems from enemies. There may be problems which affect your purse. Vexations of physique and psyche indicated. You may have to face financial stringency. Be careful about Money Management. You can resort to Astro Therapy by reciting the mantra of Rahu - Om Rahave Namah - in a state of purity. If you wear a Rahu Yantra, the North Node may not trouble you.


Health hazards may manifest and the best way out is to take recourse to Rejuvenation Therapy or Rasayana Chikitsa of Ayurveda. This transit of Rahu may rob you of the much needed mental peace. The best solution is to take recourse to Transcendental Meditation, which will give you immense relief from the vexations of physique and psyche. You have to take care of both body and soul, in other words. Tension from work will be unbearable. You can resort to Astro Therapy by reciting the mantra of Rahu - Om Rahave Namah - in a


Health hazards may manifest and the best way out is to take recourse to Rejuvenation Therapy or Rasayana Chikitsa of Ayurveda. This transit of Rahu may rob you of the much needed mental peace. The best solution is to take recourse to Transcendental Meditation, which will give you immense relief from the vexations of physique and psyche. You have to take care of both body and soul, in other words. Tension from work will be unbearable. You can resort to Astro Therapy by reciting the mantra of Rahu - Om Rahave Namah - in a state of purity. If you wear a Rahu Yantra, the North Node may not trouble you.


Health hazards may manifest and the best way out is to recourse to Rejuvenation Therapy or Rasayana Chikitsa of Ayurveda. This transit of Rahu may rob you of the much needed mental peace. The best solution is to take recourse to Transcendental Meditation, which will give you immense relief from the vexations of physique and psyche. You have to take care of both body and soul, in other words. Tension from work will be unbearable. You can resort to Astro Therapy by reciting the mantra of Rahu - Om Rahave Namah - in a state of purity. If you wear a Rahu Yantra, the North Node may not trouble you.


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