Chakras or dynamoes of Spiritual Energy !

Chakras as dynamoes of Cosmic Energy. They exist in the subtle physical
body. The Serpentine Power lies coiled in the Root Chakra. She rises due to
Meditation,when the body feels the subtle warmth of Meditation

These Chakras are ( in ascending order)

1. Root Chakra ( Muladhara )
2. Anal Chakra ( Manipura )
3. Solar Plexus Chakra ( Swadhistana )
4. Heart Chakra ( Anahata )
5. Throat Chakra ( Vishuddhi )
6. Eyebrow Chakra ( Ajna )

The Five Great Elements ( Earth, air, water, fire & ether ) & Mind reside
in the Six Chakras.

Earth-Principle resides in the Root Chakra
Water-Principle resides in the Navel Chakra
Fire-Principle resides in the Solar Plexus Chakra
Air-Principle resides in the Heart Chakra
Ether-Principle resides in the Throat Chakra
Mind-Principle resides in the Eye Brow Chakra.

The Microscomic representative of the Macrocosmic Shakti ( Cosmic Power ),
the Kundalini, sportest as the Six principles in the Six Chakras in Her
Cosmic Play. She sports as Universal Power in the Macrocosm; and in the
microcosm as the coiled Serpent Power!

O Infinite Power ! Thou art the Mind-principle in the Eye brow Chakra
In the Throat Chakra , Thou sport as the Ether-principle
In the Heart Chakra, Thou sportest as Air- principle
In the Solar Plexus Chakra, Thou art Fire-principle
In the Navel Chakra , Thou exist as Water-principle
In the Root Chakra, Thou art the Earth _Principle, O Mighty Mother !
And in the Crown Chakra, Thou sportest blissfully with thy beloved Consort !

The meditator feels a subtle warmth in the body during her rise. His voice
becomes propertied as the all the tuned spheres. The personality of the
native becomes very attractive due to the influx of Jupiterian energy.
Wisdom and learning grace the individual. Torrential bliss can be felt, as
She rises furthur. . And when She reaches the Crown Chakra, it is Cosmic
Consciousness for the native !

She is the Relative of the Absolute, the Finite of the Infinite, the Form of
the Formless. She alone determines about the destiny of the individual. She
alone exists as Mind Universal and is all this that is.

Intelligence Thou art
The essence of all sciences
The Goal supreme to be attained
Thou art the Trinity
Wisdom, Wealth & Valour
All four aspects are Thine
Wisdom, Wealth, Virility, Time
Thy true nature is Transcendence
And Thou sportest in the garden
Of the mighty Upanishads !

The cause of Universes and multiverses
Thou art the Trnity in all systems
Id, Ego, Superego
Parent, Adult, Child,
Vata, pitta, Kapha
Sattwa, Rajas, Tamas
Conscient, Subconscient, Superconscient
Even the triune Godhead knows thee not
An infinitesimal manifestation of Thine
Is the Cosmos; Primal Nature Thou art !

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