Effects of Being Born in the Lunar Months

Lunar months are calculated from Full Moon to Full Moon. It is counted from the Full Moon of Aries ( Mesha ) to the Full Moon of Pisces ( Meena ).

The Full Moon of Mesha ( Aries ) occurs near the constellation Alpha Virginis ( Chithra ) and hence is called Chaitra. The person born under the lunar month of Chaitra gain strength from a celibate life and they pick up hints quickly from this world.

The Full Moon of Vrishabha ( Taurus ) occurs near the constellation Beta Librae ( Vishakha ) and hence is called Vaishakha. They will have majestic personality, learning and wisdom, political clout and foresight. They love Truth and will be long lived.

The Full Moon of Mithuna ( Gemini ) occurs near the constellation Alpha Scorpi ( Jyeshta ) and hence is called Jyeshta. Those born during this lunar month are highly talented and they think about the pros and cons before they start anything.

The Full Moon of Kataka ( Cancer ) occurs near the constellation Delta Leonis ( Ashada - Pubba ) and hence is called Ashada. Those born during this month will have problems in profession. They will suffer from diseases. They will have good appetite.

The Full Moon of Simha ( Leo ) occurs near the constellation Alpha Aquilae ( Sravana ) and hence is called Sravana. Those born under this month will be highly religious and will be the darling of the crowd. They will enjoy life, particularly domestic life.

The Full Moon of Kanya ( Virgo ) occurs near the constellation Alpha Pegasi ( Poorvabhadrapada ) and hence is called Bhadrapada. Fair complexion is bestowed on those born during this month. They will be hits with the opposite sex.

The Full Moon of Thula ( Libra ) occurs near the constellation Beta Arietis ( Aswini ) and hence is called Aswina. Kind hearted people are born during this month. They will be hits with the opposite sex and will enjoy a royal life.

The Full Moon of Scorpio ( Vrischika ) occurs near the constellation Eta Tauri ( Karthika ) and hence is called Karthika. Tendencies to remain celibate will be predominant on people born during this month. They will be loquacioius animals and will be crooked.

The Full Moon of Sagittarius ( Dhanus ) occurs near the constellation Lamda Orionis ( Mrigasira ) and hence is called Margashirsha. Those born under this month will visit many pilgrimages. Many intuitive sciences will be mastered by them and they may take to Life Divine.

The Full Moon of Capricorn ( Makara ) occurs near the constellation Alpha Cancri ( Chithra ) and hence is called Pushya. Those born under this lunar month will be secretive and will be indulging in many secret acts. Lots of suffering will visit them.

The Full Moon of Aquarius ( Kumbha ) occurs near the constellation Alpha Leonis ( Magha ) and hence is called Magha. Those born during this phase turn to Yoga and Meditation. They will possess knowledge, both worldly and divine.

The Full Moon of Pisces ( Meena ) occurs near the constellation Beta Leonis ( Uthram ) and hence is called Phalguna. Luck graces the people born during this month. They normally enjoy all the pleasures of life, particularly domestic life.


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