India, the Jewel in the Crown !

India has such strategic importance that the Britishers used to call her the Jewel in the Crown.

Its trading harbours, immense population, its great resources, its reserve of militaty strength, a powerful army with a fertile soil, an army ready to be hurled at any point of time - all these, reckoned Lord Curzon as he contemplated world dominion, are assets of precious value !

But then India is going through a critical phase, like Pak. India has still 10 months to go, for Elarata Saturn to be over. Elarata Saturn means emotional suffering, strife and struggle. After Saturn's stay in the 2nd house, which indicates sukhartha vihathim or loss of happiness and economic slowdown. Saturn moves over to the benign 3rd. In the 3rd Saturn will redeem all that India has lost !


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