Jupiter moved to watery Pisces and rains are coming !

It rained for one hour at 0200 AM today. The earth is showing signs of becoming green.

Saturn in Virgo has created a drought like situation and Sun in Pisces and Sun in Aquarius have given some heat waves. Many have suffered due to sunstroke. Jupiter moved over to Pisces on May 2 and hence the change in climate. Venus, the watery planet, in his own house in Taurus also is a favourable indication.

Now that rains have started to come, we cannot afford to be complacent. Green Kerala is beautiful because of the rains, because the wells, the rivers, the lakes, the water tanks and the paddy fields act as Nature's rainwater harvesting centers. But, of late, increasing urbanisation and destruction of the natural habitat and holy groves created a drought like situation.

There was no water in the main river, Bharatpuzha.

There is scientific reason is revering Nature and her forests and holy groves. God is basically an Unknown, but His manifestation, the Relative Being, is Nature. The ancients saw Nature and her forests and her holy groves as divine. The Divine Immanent is the basic principle of Pantheism.

Holy groves are known as Kaavus. They are amidst trees. Large scale evangelisation has led to the destruction of the holy groves !

Even though the rains have started to come, we still caution the people against destroying paddy fields, water wells, water tanks and ponds, which act as natural rainwater harvesting centers. Please respect Water and Water Management. ( In Africa 550 million people do not have access to clean, drinking water ).

We are now happy that the rains have come. Now we will be able to sing with Goethe

The earth grew green and burst in flower to meet me !


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