Mars moved over from the 8th on Mar 25 !

Mars in the Eighth was creating some bad luck for India in terms of bowling and fielding. Now that Mars had moved over, we can expect better bowling and fielding.

Mars in the Eighth was responsible for the non inclusion of Ashwin and Raina. Both proved to be matchwinners and they played a good role in the Indian victory !

India as a team jelled as a result. Mars in the Eighth was creating some problems and the Indian bowling came under severe fire from her own fans. The inclusion of Chawla and Nehra, the insipid performance of Nehra ( hit for a four and a six in the ultimate over )- all these were factors created by an adverse Mars.

Now Indian players can relax as an adverse factor is removed. You cannot ask for a better heavenly position that Jupiter in the Ninth and Saturn in the Third ! Go India, Go !


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