
Showing posts from April, 2013

Bharani Njattuvela brings hopes of rains !

Bharani Njattuvela, the Solar Transit of 41 Arietis started on 27th and it rained that day here. Also yesterday ! These solar periods or Njattuvelas are the transits of the Sun ! While Bharani Njattuvela brings hope Karthika brings cheer Rohini supplements both Fiercely rains come down in Mrigasira It rains nectar during Aridra Fierce but intermittent in Punarvasu And heavy rains in Pushya ! In Varsha Prashna, Puliyoor says   Jala Rasi Sthitahu Manda Rahu Na Sthassu Vrishtidau   Rains will not be there, if Saturn and Rahu are in a Jala Rasi. But then Libra is not a Jala Rasi as such, but is ruled by Venus, a watery planet !   But the next verse holds hope   Shukrendu Drishtau yadi thau Maha Vrishti Pradayakau   ( Prashna Anushtana Paddhathi )   If aspected by Moon or Venus There will be plenty of rains   Now Venus casts his aspect on Libra. And after May 31, Jupiter will be in sidereal Gemini, casting his benign aspect on

Time called Thee from Thy Slumber !

In  Vedanta, Mahat has been defined as Cosmic Intelligence by the translators of  Narayaneeyam.     The great poet Melpathur defined Him as   O Thou with and without Maya Art known as Witness Consciousness And the Eternal Triad in Mind Universal Universe, Ego, Supreme Relative Reflecting as they are in the Universal Mind Are Thy grand projections ! Time called Thee from Thy Slumber Thy Slumber of Cosmological Cycles Thy Cosmic Intelligence is Mahat Tathva !     Maya Sannihitho Pravishta Vapusha Saksheethi Geetho Bhavan Bhedaisthvam Prathibimbitho Vivisivan Jeevepi Naiva para Kalatma pradhibodhitha cha vigatha Sanchothida cha Swayam Maya sa khaldu buddhi tatvam asruja Dyosau Mahan uchyathe

The Lords of Kala Hora

The names of the Week Days are derived from where ? Why Monday is after Sunday? Why Tuesday is after Monday ? The answer is given by Astrology as Planetary Hours or Kala Horas. If you have any other explantion - from Astronomy or any other scienc - pls let us know Question - How did Monday come after Sunday in the Calender ? Answer - To answer this question, we have to go to the concept of Planetary Hours or Kala Horas The Planetary Hours are counted from Sunrise and the owner of the Planetary is the Lord of the Weekday. Today is Sunday and one hour from Sunrise is presided by the lord of Sunday, the Sun. The sequential order of Planetary Hours is as follows. Sun Venus Mercury Moon Saturn Jupiter Mars ( Arka Shukra Budhas Chandra Manda Jeeva Dharasutha, Kramena Kala Horesa.... ) So if the first Planetary Hour on Sunday is presided by the Sun, the next hour is presided by Venus, next by Mercury and so on. This goes on for 21 hours and the 22nd Planetary Hour is presided b

The Scientia Intuitiva, the Intuitive Sciences !

We will define the Intuitive Sciences. The Single Eye on the U S One Dollar Bill symbolises the All Seeing Eye of Providence or the Eye of Horus or the Third Eye of Hinduism. What is Intuition, by the way ? Intuition is defined as the Eye of Wisdom ! So what do we mean by the Intuitive sciences ? The Sciences of Wisdom or the Philosophic Sciences. Scientia Intuitiva est Scientia Prima - The First Science was the Science Intuitive. Seers point out that Intuition alone can see Reality! Aurobindo averred ' Behind the phenomenal world is the Transcendent Reality, which Intuition alone can see" "The first aspect of Cosmic Existence is an infinite, which is to our perception and Indeterminate. In this infinite, the Universe, whether in its aspect of structure or in its aspect of Energy, appears as an indeterminate determination, a boundless finite ( Einstein called the Universe Finite Unbounded ), paradoxical, but necessary expressions which seems to tell us that

Of Koopa Prasna, the Horary of Well digging !

If the Ascendant is a movable Sign And if Moon and Rahu tenant Sun in Tenth, Jove in Fourth Water will be seen on the spot ! If Moon tenant the Ascendant And if Udaya and Aroodha are Signs watery, water will be visible So say Astrology's classics ! If a malefic tenants Four If Moon tenants  watery Sign Water will be visible Thus spake the wise ! If the Horary Ascendant be Virgo Moon in the Seventh in Virgo Aspected by Jupiter and Venus Water will be visible ! If the Horary Ascendant be Virgo And if Moon or Venus tenant The Second or the Twelfth Water will be visible ! If the Horary Ascendant be Capricorn Venus in Libra, Jupiter in Pisces Moon in own house Cancer Lots of water indicated ! If Mercury be with Rahu Or Moon be in Gemini Water will be visible Says Horary Well Astrology ! If Venus be in Pisces Moon in Taurus exalted Aspected by a planet debilitated Water will be visible !

I created the Four Classes, saith the Lord !

The International Astronomical Union had not used Sanskrit names. From Beta Arietis to Zeta Piscium. This is news to me. Chaturvarnya amongst elephants. Chaturvarnya is a much misunderstood concept. It is according to qualities and profession and not according to birth. Chathurvarnyam Maya Shrishtam Guna Karma Vibhagasha Thasya Kartharam api maam Vidhyakartharam Avyayam I created the Four Noble Professions Based on qualities and Profession I am the Creator of the Four I am also the Non Creator I am transcendental ! We find there are Four types of Professions The Intellectual Class, the Brahmin The Warror Class, Police and Military, Kshatriyas The Business Class, Vaishya And the Service Class, Shudras
Pardon this digression. The whole of Kerala is in a holiday, festive mood ! Now you can watch Trichur Pooram Live at The constellation of Delta Leonis is known as Pubba or Pooram, one of the 27 constellations which tenant the Ecliptic. There are more than one million temples in Kerala. Several temple festivals occur on the Lunar Asterism of their inception. The famous Trichur Pooram occurs on the Pubba day of Mesha or Delta Leonis in the sidereal month of Aries. More than 500,000 people witness this Festival of all Festivals. It is of 36 hours duration and it is one of the most beautiful sights in the world, according to UNESCO. More than 50 caparisoned elephants pass through the center of Trichur Town , the Lord Shiva Temple. Earlier the Pooram was at Arattupuzha and it so happened that the Chief of Peruvanam Gramam denied entry to the temples of Trichur. This enraged the Naduvazhis of Trichur and the then ruler, Shaktan Tampuran, integra

In defence of Astrology !

Another Sir Philip Sydney stuff with the pen. Our defence consists of the following points 1) Yavanas are not the Greeks, as misunderstood by Western scholars. They are an Indic tribe. 2) Physicalists and Literalists cannot understand the inner essence of the mystical sciences. ( Astrology is never physical, but mystical ). 3) We have seen literalists give literal interpretations, according to their whims and fancies. According to Esoteric Wisdom, Rama and Ravana were mythological characters. Rama is the Emblem of the Almighty Self and Ravana, the Emblem of Ego. 4) Everybody knows that Gregory added 10 days to the Julian Calender. There is no proof that Varaha did the same ( deducting 23 days ) to the Hindu Calender. That sloka is too vague. 5) The date when Gregory did that is 14-10-1582. No date has been given for the " Varahian Jump"  ! 6) Astrology is a mystical science, based on Grace. There is no

The 18 sciences are mystical, not physical !

Astrology is one of the 18 mystical sciences of the Philosophia Perennis. They are not physical, but mystical. We talked about Yoga and Vedanta, are they physical ?  Physical astronomers and half Professors cannot understand Universal Mysticism. Physicalists are literalists, they think only the Physical Universe is real. It is not their fault, as they believe Esse Est Percii, only their perceptions. Some of them believe in Creationism, the Six Day Creation Theory and some of them in the Big Bang Theory ! How can Everything come out of Nothing ? Creation ex Nihilo ?  See, none of the mystics talked about anything physical. Jesus never spoke about the physical Jerusalem. Look at his statement "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you and whomsoever shall know himself shall find it"  Know Thyself and find It. He was a Yogi. He declared Ego sum Alpha et Omega, I am the Alpha and the Omega. He was saying Aham Brahmasmi in another language. So w

The Helio Geo Centric Universe !

In Western Astronomy, the Ptolemaic Universe was geocentric. The great poet Dante based his cosmology on the Ptolemaic Universe. Copernicus changed all that with his Heliocentic Model. In the East, the Indian astronomer, Neelakantan, proposed a helio geo centric Universe, known as the Neelakantan Universe. This was copied by none other than the Guru of Kepler, Tycho Brahe and he called it the Tychonic Universe. According to Einstein, all truths are relative and depends on the Observer and his frame of reference. Heliocentric means based on Helios, the Greek word for the Sun, which is derived from the Sanskrit Heli, as per the dictum  Heli Soorya   Chandraama Sheetharashmi.   Heliocentric means observed from the Sun, with Helios, the Sun,  as the frame of reference. You cant go the Sun, put a chair there and observe from there ( May be the Noble Professor can do it, as he has called his software, Vishnu, which means all pervading in Sanskrit ). Geo

Vedanta is more logical than Theology or Science !

Let us u nderstand the Law of Correspondences, As Above, so Below. That each part replicatest the Whole. Both are One. Being from One, they correspond ! More logical is Mentalism( Vedanta ) than both Theology and Cosmology which maintain that Everything came out of Nothing. Vedanta explains that there is no material creation, as Matter or Energy cannot be created or destroyed and that the Sum Total Energy in the Universe is an eternal constant, Brahman, Absolute.  However, there is a mental creation and that the Unvierse is a dream in the Cosmic Mind. Avyaktha Namnee Paramesha Shakti Anadya Vidya thrigunatmika para Kayanu meya Sudhiyaiva Maya Yada Jagath Sarvam Idam Prasooyathe. Unmanifest is the Power of the Lord Great is the Universal Mind which created This manifested Universe ! She went forth as Nescience As the triune attributes of Nature Satwas, Rajas  and Thamas And tantalises everyone As the Consort of the Lord! Every

The Rajju Sarpa Nyaya of Vedanta !

In the West, the divine Hermes Trismegistus spelt out the Law of Correspondences saying " That which is on High is that which is on Below, that which is on Below is that which is on High, in order that the Miracle Of Unity may be perpetual". The physical Sun corresponds to the Inner Sun, as per the Law of Correspondences. As Above, so Below !  I will define Rajju Sarpa Nyaya here. For that,  we have to go to the basics of Vedanta and the definitions of the Self, the Non Self etc. Let us define the Non Self. Dehendriya prana sukhonamadaya Sarve Vikara Vishaya sukhadaya Vyomani Bhoothani Akhilam cha Visvam Avyakta payantam idam Hya natma  All sensory organs, all emotions, All Five Great Elements From the Macrocosm to the Microcosm Is NON - SELF ! So you mean to say  all are Non Self ? Yes ! What about the Universe ? Same. OK, then what is Self, this  Ayam Atma Brahma  ? Here is the definition of the Self

Astrology is mystical !

According to Esoteric Wisdom, by Sun we dont mean the physical Sun and by planets we do not mean the physical planets. The Sun is situated in the Heart Chakra, Saturn at the Mooladhara Chakra, Jupiter at Manipura exactly as in the Solar Logos. Here we are talking about Man, the Microcosm replicating the Macrocosm. The parts are greater than the Whole ? Undoubtedly. The Whole is greater than the sum of its parts ? Indubitably. We are puny parts of the Great Whole, called by us as the Universe. Wholeness is contained in every part ! Let us thank the Lord for these discussions, which can enlighten all.  In his Neurophysiology of Enlgihtenment Dr Robert Keith Wallace said " Enlightenment is the state of perfect order, zero entropy and depends on the harmonious functioning of every part of the body ! He said India is the home  of the most profound knowledge and procedures for the development of Physiology ! Even the Negative becomes Positive due to Th

The Exoteric and the Esoteric !

There are two types of meaning for all in Universal Mysticism, the Exoteric and the Esoteric. What happens is that people take the exoteric or the  literal meaning and say we are superstitious. The esoteric meaning is known only to an Initiate.When we say we worship snakes, it is not the physical snakes we worship. We worship the inner Snake, the Kundalini, the Serpent Power which lies coiled in humans ( vide Sir John Woodroffe " The Serpent Power " ). Similarly we do not worship the physicial Sun ! Look at this verse Sooryam na tva Graha pathim Jagath Ulpathi Karanam Vakshyami Veda Nayanam Yada Brahma Mukha Srutham. The mystic meaning is that the Almighty Self, which transcend the three states relative,  Jagath Ulpathi Karanam , is all in all and the I am telling Thee the Eye of Learning, the Vision of the Vedas, Astrology, and it cometh from a higher states of Consciousness,  yada Brahma Mukha srutham ! When we light a L

Mystical Scholarship is different !

Friends, It is time we draw a line between academic scholarship ( quoting from books ) and mystical scholarship. In the Masonic Initiation, Dr Wilmhurst says that the wisdom of Jesus confounded the academic, but unenlightened scholars of his era. Aurobindo says the same thing. This Wisdom is unfit and dangerous to the ordinary human mind and liable to perversions and loss of virtue, if revealed to vulgar and unpurified spirits. So they devised an outer system, the exoteric ( that of temples, churches, mosques and synagogues ), efficient but imperfect,  for the profane. Genuine transcendental wisdom is for him who is purified in soul and awakened in Spirit ! There are Seer Wisdoms which utter their meaning only to the Seer ! Transcendental Wisdom reveals only to the elect and hides Herself from the profane.  For,  this Science of Alchemy can only be taught to suitable and worthy men, because the misuse of it and the powers arising from

Vedas, cognised in higher states of Consciousness !

Like the noble Sir Philip Sydney, it seems I have to take the pen again ! An Apologia for Astrology ? The root of this controversy is the word Vedic. A word has many connotations. Veda means knowledge. Vid to know. So Veda means knowledge only. Now the Christian and Muslim scholars in Kerala talk like this " Njangalude Veda pusthakathil.... " meaning it is said so in our Vedic text. So to a Christian, his Veda is the Bible and to the Mulsim, his Veda is the Quran. One guy told me that theirs ( Muslim ) is the Fourth Veda, the Atharva Veda ! Veda means knowledge, may be theological, may be philosophical, may be religious, may be scientific ( Vedic Science ). The word Vedic can be used anywhere, Vedic Philosophy, Vedic Maths, Vedic Foods, Vedic Architecture ( Vastu ). Vedic Temples etc. I had a discussion with one Antony Chirayath, who told me that Vedic Foods are a rage in the West. Then after one month, when I used the term Vedic Foods, he objected

Clavius used Indian Maths to solve the problems of the Julian Calender !

The Tropical Zodiac precedes, roughly, 72 years per degree and this is known as the Precession of the Equinoxes. At the time of Pope Gregory, the seasons were changing and Gregory was in a fix. He empowered Christoper Clavius to head the Gregorian Calendrical Reforms Committe. The Sine Tables of Aryabhata and Madhava were here. Also the Tan tables of Brahmagupta. A's Sine Table was the first sine table erected in the entire history of Maths, says Now Clavius learnt Astronomy and Maths from the  Jewish Guru, Pedro Nunes. Clavius empowerd Matteo Ricci, to go to India, to Kerala and learn from the Time Keepers of Panchangas, to learn from the Brahmins and the Moors, this astro mathematical knowledge, which alone could solve the problem from them.  Now Aryabhata's Sine Tables is called the Table of R Sin Differences. R

1280 Bibles !

The Julian Calendar had to be replaced by the Gregorian, not the Vedic Astro Calender, which is sidereal or based on the fixed stars. The Gregorian also may need modification later on. While other Religions have one Book and one Prophet, the Eternal Law, the Sanantana Dharma has got 1,280 Religious Books, 10,000 Commentaries,  more than one lakh sub-commentaries  for these foundation books,  variety of Aacharyas,  millions of Rishies,  hundreds of languages...  Still, everyone goes to the  SAME TEMPLE ...  Hindus never quarrelled with each other  in the last ten thousand years in  the name of religion Dr Kenneth Chandler points out that " The greatest discovery of India has been the discovery of Pure Consciousness and the mapping out of the architectonic structure of Pure Knowledge". The Vedas were never written, but cognised by the Rishies in higher states of Consciousness, in Cosmic Consciousness and above. The 18 sciences of

The Ganitha Nirnaya, one of the best books on Mathematical Astrology

Now the genius of Puliyoor Purushotaman Namboothiri condensed the thousands of slokas of the 18 Siddhantas into 1000 odd slokas, called the Ganitha Nirnayam. It is one of the best books on Mathematical Astrology ever written. He was ably assisted by the Maths Professor, Prof Krishna Warrier. In the Kerala system, 14 major perturbations of the Moon are highlighted and 14 trignometric corrections are done for the 14 lunar anomalies. Chathur dasebhyebhyo balanyabhibhyo Neethva Thulasadi Vasa Dhanarnam Krithva tad Indor Apaneeya Thungam Thado Mridujya phala Samskruthendu ( Ganitha Nirnayam ) After computing the Chandra Madhyamam, the mean longitude of the Moon, after 14 trignometric corrections, the longitude is called Samskrutha Chandra Madhyamam, Samskruthendu. Then the Parinathi Kriya or Parinathi Samskara, Reduction to the Ecliptic is done. Vikshepa Vritheeya Gatho Vipatha Thasmannayel Jyam Parinathyabhikhyam Yugmau pada sarvam idam Vidheyam Syal Kranti Vritteeya Ehaisha