
Showing posts from January, 2015

First Tuesday in Capricorn, Makara Chova

Today is the First Tuesday in the sidereal month of Capricorn, celebrated in all Devi Temples as Makara Chova.

International Yoga Day !

Q & As about International Yoga Day Q - Why is June 21 declared as IYD ? A - Because it is the Day of Summer Solstice, Sayana Karkyadi. Q - What is the significance of that day ? a -  On that day, the gross RA of the Sun touches 90 degrees and the Sun initiates the Southern Solstice, Sayana Dakshinayana.

Our Mobile Sites.

The Mobile Web population in India has gone upto 173 million. Total Net population is 302 million. We created mobile versions of main sites. We have uploaded a lot of articles in these sites. Articles about the Fourth largest pilgrim center in the world and others. Artiicles about Financial Astrology Articles about the 18 sciences of Indian Philosophy Offers from the Kerala Real Estate / Happy reading !