Planetary Positions for 07012016

Moon enters Jyeshta or Thrikketta constellation at Sunrise + 5.5 *24 minutes.

Sun transits the 22th degree of sidereal Sagittarius.

Solar Month, Day  Dhanus 22
Lunar Month Pousha
Kali Year   5117
VIkram Samwat 2072 ( English Era + 56.7 )
Saka Era 1937 ( English Era - 78 )
Malayalam Era 1191 ( English Era - 825)
Week Day  Guru Var or Thor's Day

Fortnight - Waning Moon, Krishna Paksha
Lunation - Thrayodasi. Thirteenth from  Sunrise + 02.9*24 minutes.

( Sidereal Longitudes Of Planets on 01012016 at GMN or IST 0530 PM, Trichur.

Sun  16    Sag
Mar  04    Lib
Jup   29    Leo
Sat    17    Sco
Ven  08    Sco
Mer  05    Cap
Moo 08    Vir
Rah  01    Vir
Ket   01    Pis  )

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