
Showing posts from April, 2018

Advaitam Janicha Nattil

Advaitam Janicha Nattil

Aadiyil Matsyamay

Aadiyil Matsyamay
I behold a Boy Divine Surrounded by the Upanishads With incalculable Lustre O the radiance of  thousand suns ! The Sage Divine, Narada seems blissful In His Transcendental Presence With Upanishads, assuming forms  female Resembling the Gopis ! à´…à´—്à´°േപശൃാà´®ി à´¤േà´œോ à´¨ിà´ªിà´¡ തരകടളാà´¯ാവലി à´²ോപനീà´¯ം.......... à´ªിà´¯ുà´·ാà´ª്à´²ാà´µിà´¤ോà´¹ം.. തതനുതതുഥരേ..... à´¦ിà´µൃà´•ൈ à´¶ോà´°ോà´µേà´·ം.... à´¤ാà´°ുà´£ൃാà´°ംà´¬ à´°à´®ൃം പരമസുà´– à´°à´¸ാ à´¸്à´µാà´¦് à´°ോà´®ാà´ž്à´šിà´¤ാà´•ൈà´°ാà´µിà´§ം à´¨ാà´°à´¦ à´¦ൈ à´µിലസതു ഉപനിà´·്à´¤് à´¸ുà´¨്ദരി മണ്‍à´¡à´²ൈà´•്à´•്à´¯ാ... Thy Feet symbolises Self Actualisation Let that Feet mesmerise my mind ever The Refugee of all devotees ! Massaged as that Feet is by Yogis, Who have achieved divine Transmutation ! And may I taste that celestial Bliss The Bliss of Self Realisation, The Ninth Lakshmi, Kaivalya ! à´¯ോà´—ിà´¦്à´°ാà´£ാം à´¤്വതഗ് à´—േൃാà´·്à´µാ à´§ിà´•à´¸ുമദുà´°ം à´®ുà´•്à´•്à´¤ി à´­ാà´œാം à´¨ിà´µാà´¸ോ.... à´­à´•്à´¤ാà´¨ാം à´•ാമവര്‍à´·à´¨ൃുധരു à´•ിസലയം à´¨ാà´¥ാà´¤േà´ªാദമൂà´²ം.... à´¨ിà´¤ൃം...à´šിà´¤്തസ്à´¤ിà´¤ം à´®േ പവനപുരപതേ..... à´•ൃà´·്à´£ാ à´•ാà´°ുà´£ൃà´¸ിà´¨്à´¤േ.....à´•ൃà´·്à´£ാ ..à´•ാà´°ുà´£ൃà´¸ിà´¨്à´¤േ........ à´•ൃà´¤്à´µാ à´¨ിà´·േà´·à´¤ാà´ªാà´¨് à´ª്à´°à´¤ിസതു
As the First Planetary Hour Ruler today, 12 04 18, is Jupiter and He represents Absolute Being, Para Brahman Ashtapadi IX - Tava Virahe Vanamali - Ode to the Lord The companion of Radha Was distraught The Lord tells her That He would wait In the cottage Tells her to bring Radha there The confidante Goes to Radha And tells her Like this ! tava virahE vanamAli - pantuvarALi - roopaka SlOkamahamiha nivasAmi yAhi rAdhAm anunaya madvachanEna chAnayEdhAha iti madhuripuNA sakhee niyuktA svayamida mEtya punarjagAda rAdhAm ||  More at

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 Uthara Swayam varam Kathakali kanuvan  Uthrada rathriyil poyirunnu Kanchana kasavulla poonchela Uduthaval nenjeyyum ambumayi vannirunnu She was there, wearing a cotton saree with golden border, When I went to see Uttara Swayamvaram Kathakali, On an Uttarashada moonlit night And she was carrrying arrows of love, aimed at my chest !  Irayimman thambi nalkum sringara padha lahari Iru swapna vedhikalil alinju chernnu Karalile kali thattil arupathu thiriyitta Kadhakali vilakkukal erinju ninnu The amorous atmosphere created by Irayimman Thampi Dissolved in both dreamy states The Sixty wicks of the Kathakali Lamp Burned in the recesses of the heart !  Mp4,full lyrics & Translation at
Princess Savitri ( young Sreedevi ) was born to King Asvapathi & Malavi , due to the Grace of Lord Savitha ( Sun ). Hence they called her Savitri. The lovely, young Princess was Sarva Saastra Visharada, master of all sciences & arts. She was the cynosure of all eyes and the darling of the crowd. She shows her talent as a danseuse here. Savitri, along with Sati & Seeta, are the Three Idols of Indian Womanhood ! Saraswathi evale, Lakshmiyum evale, evale.......................................... O Ocean of musical notes, Ragas, Beloved Ocean of Songs, Rising with garland of Swaras, Moved by waves, Moved by dream garlands, O Ocean of Love ! More at
As the First Planetary Hour Ruler is Saturn and Mandasthu Sastamaya..................  Worship I the son of both Destroyer and Preserver Seated on the throne royal Who captivates the worlds triune Who indulges in Cosmic Dance Vanquisher of enemies I take refuge in Thee !  Harivarasanam Vishwamohanam Haridadhiswaram Aaradhyapadhukam Arivimardhanam Nithyanarthanam Hariharatmajam Devamashreye Read on at
As the First Planetary Hour Ruler is Venus today, 06 04 18, and Shukra syat Gana Nayako Bhagavathee... The Eightfold Verse about the Mother Divine Like Socrates who said " I know nothing, not even my own ignorance", Sankara was also known for his humility. "I know not Philosophy, Literature or Science " , he says in his poem, Bhavani Ashtakam. I am one of the worst beings and my only refuge is Thee !   Neither do I know how to donate,  Nor Meditation transcendental  Neither do I know Tantra,  Nor the stanzas of prayer great,  Worshipping is unknown to me ,  Nor do I know the art of yoga, Thou art my only Refuge , O Mother Divine !
As the First Planetary Hour Ruler ( today, 05 04 18 ) is Jupiter and He represents all arts, Prayonukoola sa kalascha Deva.....................  Ashtapadi VII - Sa Virahe Tava Deena - Ode to the Lord The Lord was pining For his beloved Prakriti He was observed Sitting with melancholy Grief due to separation From his beloved Radha Had devastated Him Radha's confidante Tells Radha's state of mind To the Merciful Lord !  sA virahE tava deenA - kAnaDa - Eka SlOkamyamunAteera vAneera nikunjE manda mAstitam prAha prEma bharOdbhrAntam mAdhavam rAdhikA sakhee ||  Odissi Dance, lyrics & translation at
As the First Planetary Hour Ruler today, 04 04 18, is Mercury/ Woten / Budha and denotes Avatara Vishnu.....  Asthapadi VI, Sakhee He Kesi Madhana - Ode to the Lord.  As per Indian Philosophy, the Union of Purusha and Prakriti, Being and Nature, brought forth the Universe. This poem is symbolic of the Cosmic Love, not Eroticism !  How strangely is my mind Functioning, O friend ! Radha tells her confidante I cannot get angry With my beloved Krishna Even though He sports With the Upanishads or Gopis ! Am I not Nature Personified? I yearn for my Lord That He may clasp Me to His bosom ! I am perplexed ! sakhee hE kESi madhana - guNa kriya - Eka SlOkamgaNayati guNa grAmam bhAmam bhramadapi nEhatE vahaticha pareetOsham dOsham vimunchati doorataha yuvatishu valattrushNE krushNE vihAriNee mAmvinA punarapi manO vAmam kAmam karOti karOmi kim || Full lyrics & translation at
As the First Planetary Hour Ruler today, 04 04 18, is Mercury/ Woten / Budha and denotes Avatara Vishnu..... Asthapadi VI, Sakhee He Kesi Madhana - Ode to the Lord. As per Indian Philosophy, the Union of Purusha and Prakriti, Being and Nature, brought forth the Universe. This poem is symbolic of the Cosmic Love, not Eroticism ! How strangely is my mind Functioning, O friend ! Radha tells her confidante I cannot get angry With my beloved Krishna Even though He sports With the Upanishads or Gopis ! Am I not Nature Personified? I yearn for my Lord That He may clasp Me to His bosom ! I am perplexed ! sakhee hE kESi madhana - guNa kriya - Eka SlOkamgaNayati guNa grAmam bhAmam bhramadapi nEhatE vahaticha pareetOsham dOsham vimunchati doorataha yuvatishu valattrushNE krushNE vihAriNee mAmvinA punarapi manO vAmam kAmam karOti karOmi kim ||
As the First Planetay Hour Ruler is Mars and Kalyaadya.. I worship Her Who has a Terrible Form As She is Time Personified And Mother's Fourth Aspect ! hum hum kArE sadA rUpE nIla nIraja lOcanE shaila dvaita mukhE daivE kAlikAvayi namOstutE Read on at shaila dvaita mukhE daivE kAlikAvayi namOstutE Read on at