As the First Planetary Hour Ruler today, 04 04 18, is Mercury/ Woten / Budha and denotes Avatara Vishnu.....

Asthapadi VI, Sakhee He Kesi Madhana - Ode to the Lord.

As per Indian Philosophy, the Union of Purusha and Prakriti, Being and Nature, brought forth the Universe. This poem is symbolic of the Cosmic Love, not Eroticism !
How strangely is my mind
Functioning, O friend !
Radha tells her confidante
I cannot get angry
With my beloved Krishna
Even though He sports
With the Upanishads or Gopis !
Am I not Nature Personified?
I yearn for my Lord
That He may clasp
Me to His bosom !
I am perplexed !

sakhee hE kESi madhana - guNa kriya - Eka
SlOkamgaNayati guNa grAmam bhAmam bhramadapi nEhatE
vahaticha pareetOsham dOsham vimunchati doorataha
yuvatishu valattrushNE krushNE vihAriNee mAmvinA
punarapi manO vAmam kAmam karOti karOmi kim ||


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