Manifestations of the Divine - Sastra Teachers

He manifested as different Sastra Teachers,
To teach a benighted humanity about Sciences Intuitive.
Study of the Sastras, Sound Symbols of the Absolute,
Can pave the way for Transformation or Transfiguration

"Live according to the Sastras, tasmat sastram pramanam te,
He who contravenes its commands, gaineth not Earth or Heaven ".
Wisdom is His Quality, Wisdom supreme is He,
And it is His Dharma to protect and preserve Wisdom Divine".

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Gautama,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Nyaya Sastra.
Nyaya was founded initially to defend Vedic concepts,
And to promote the Science of Thought's regulative principles !

In Thy Incarnation as Bhagavan Yaska,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Nirukta Sastra.
Definions are badly needed in debate,
And the Indefinable Thou providest all definitions.

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Varaha,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Jyotis Sastra.
Thou preserved Astronomy, Maths and Astrology,
Thri Skanda Jyotis of Siddhanta, Samhita and Hora.

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Ramana,,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Pure Yoga Sastra.
Thy technique from "Who am I" to "He am I",
Is simple, conducive to Self Actualisation !

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Madhava,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Dvaita Vedanta Sastra.
This is the First Mystic Stage of JnanaYoga,
The aspirant is different from Deity.

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Ramanuja,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Vishishta Advaita Vedanta.
Qualified Non-Dualism, It asserts that waves belong to Ocean,
But the Ocean does not belong to the Wave.


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