Ninth Prosperity Hypothesis - The Concept of Kaivalya Lakshmi

One mystic Poet prayed

May Thy Lotus Feet
Stay forever in my mind
May my sorrow be destroyed by Thee
And may Kaivalya Lakshmi take over !

What is this Kaivalya Lakshmi ? Prosperity No 9?

Aishwarya has been defined,
As Eeshwareeya Bhava, Bliss Absolute.
Not mere wealth, but Fortune,
Which maketh all the difference.

The First  Prosperity,Adi Lakshmi,
Is Her Original State as Power,
Power Aspect of  Consciousness,
Capable of  conferring Power.

Wisdom has been defined,
As veiled Wealth and so Wisdom is Prosperity.
This is the second Prosperity, Vidya Lakshmi,
Capable of  conferring Wisdom.

The Third Lakshmi, Gaja,
Represents the Power of Royalty.
She can bless Her devotees with boons,
Capable of  conferring Royal Power.

The Fourth Lakshmi, Santhana,
Is vital to worldly life.
Without children, none is fortunate,
Aspect capable of  conferring Santhana..

The Fifth Lakshmi, Dhana,
Is god of the world, Mammon.
Wealth is the Soul of Outer Life,
Aspect capable of  conferring Wealth.

The Sixth Lakshmi, Dhanya,
Symbolises Agri Abundance.
Only productive vocation is Agri,
Aspect capable of  conferring Agri Prosperity.

The Seventh Lakshmi, Dhairya,,
Is emblematic of  Courage.
Courage is the basis of Victory,
Aspect capable of  conferring Courage.

The Eighth Lakshmi, Vijaya,
Allegorically represents Victory.
Nothing succeeds like succcess,
Aspect capable of  conferring Victory.

The  Ninth Lakshmi, Kaivalya,
Samadhi, Cosmic Consciousness.
Is a State  of Bliss Infinite,
And Evolutionary Goal of Life !

Eightfold Prosperity became Ninefold,
Ashta Lakshmi became Nava Lakshmi.
She is the principle behind our Ascent,
And the Conferror of Crown  Divine !


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