Upanishadic Equations

There is no joy in the Finite.
Na Alpe Sukham Asthi.
Infinity = Bliss
Anandam Brahma.

This may seem to the worldly wise
A too ultra-worldly statement !
But this is true indeed
And endorsed by the wise !

Embrace Infinity to enjoy
Immensity of the Cosmic
Liberty of the Transcendent
And Joy of the Immanent.

Finite indicates wordly Life,
Which is full of sorrow,
Sarvam Dukham, Sarvam Shoonyam
Sarvam Kshanikam, Sarvam Vyartham !

There is no happiness in Indra’s Heaven !
Even Emperors search for mental peace !
Na cha Indranam sukham kinchil
Na sukham Chakravartina !

Mental Peace can only be attained
If you live like a Yogi.
Sukham Asthi Viraktheshu
Muner Ekanta Jeevita.

Enlightenment = Perpetual Bliss
Sukha Neervana Roopatha !
Sensory Pleasures = Bondage
Hard Sacrifice = High Heaven

Of Relative Knowledge & Absolute Knowledge,
Apara Vidya & Para Vidya

The Knowers of Brahman
Speak of Knowledge as Twofold
Relative Knowledge & Absolute Knowledge,
Apara Vidya & Para Vidya

Ithee hi yad Brahmavido Vadanti,
Para chaiva Apara cha.
Apara Vidya = Relative Knowledge
Para Vidya = Absolute Knowledge

Chemistry, Physics, Biology et al
Are Sciences of the Relative !
Even Astronomy, Maths & Astrology
Are all Relative Knowledge !

The Fivefold Ephemeris, Pancha Anga
Is nothing but Apara Vidya
Pancha Anga means Five Limbs,
The Five Limbs of Time Eternal !

Lunation = Thidhi = 12 degrees
Lunar Longitude – Solar Longitude,
There are fifteen of them.
Known as the 15 Kalas of the Moon

Lunar Mansions = Nakshatras
There are twenty seven of them
Caused by the Moon's journey
Through the 27 constellations !

Week Day = Vara
Based on First Planetary Hour, Kala Hora.
There are 24 Kala Horas,
Dina Dwadasamso Matha Kala Hora

Eternal Combinations = Nitya Yogas
Lunar Longitude + Solar Longitude,
There are twenty seven of them.
Dealing with general characteristics of men.

Half Lunation = Karana =6 degrees
Thidhi Ardham Karanam Proktam
These Five Variables constitute
Mighty Eternal Hindu Ephemeris !



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