What can be said about ind bowling On Himalayan heights divinely sang? A superb combination of spin & swing, Most balanced in the world ! With De Kock leading upfront. SA batting is strong indeed ! With Klaasen, Jansen, van der Deusen, SA may break the jinx ! A Battle ofthe Titans in the offing, As formidablw SA takes on mighty India. So let us enjoy this game of uncertainties, This glorious game of vicissitudes !
Showing posts from October, 2023
Nail biting thriller ends, as Maharaj pulls SA to victory !
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Survival of the Strongest
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The Top Four of the WC Points Table, Are Ind, SA, NZ and Aus ! Question asked is who put them there, Obviously Nature in Her Wisdom ! What Darwin called Natural Selection, The Survival of the Fittest or Strongest, Is endorsed by Indian Philosophy as, Devo Durbala Khataka ! https://www.eastrovedica.com
Mahalaya 2016 | Swastika Mukherjee | Mahishasura Mardini
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Pune became a sea of blue bliss,as kohli injected verisimilitude to the Indian narrative.
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SUn enters 180th degree
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[9:09 pm, 18/10/2023] Govind Kumar Guruvayur: https://www.eastrovedica.com/html/spiritualtourism41.htm [9:10 pm, 18/10/2023] Govind Kumar Guruvayur: When the Sun enters the 180th degree, Libra, on Oct 17th, Thula Vishu occurs. On this day, the great Yogi, Naranathu Bhrantan, received Enlightenment in Jnana Yogic terms or had a Vision of the Divine Mother, in Bhakti Yogic terms !. His story is inextricably linked with Kerala Culture ! He was one of the 12 Geniuses born to one lady, fathered by Vararuchi. [9:10 pm, 18/10/2023] Govind Kumar Guruvayur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNeIsoJhKHc
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MATHEMAGIC Fadic Number Nine expresses Him The Fadic no 9 occurs not only in Vedic computations- but in Mathematics also. Circumference of Circle or Ellipse = 360 (3+6+0 = 9) That converted into minutes = 360*60 = 21600 That converted into seconds = 360*60*60 = 1296 000 Pi = 3.14159265 Year = 365.256 e = 2.718 Day = 24*60=1440 minutes Day = 86400 seconds Half Day = 720 minutes Radius in seconds =57.3*60*60 =206280 secs. Diameter in seconds =57.3*2*60*60 =412560 secs Pi = 180 Pi/2 = 90 Pi/4 = 45 Sin 90 = 1 Sin 270 = -1 Tan 45 = 1 Tan 135 = 1 Tan 225 = 1 Tan 315 = 1 Cot 45 = 1 Cot 135 = 1 Cot 225 = 1 Cot 315 = 1 Exponentiation of 3 or its multiples. 3*3 = 9 3*3*3 = 27 3^4 = 243 6^2 = 36 6^3 = 216 And what is this NINE? It is the number of Mars of materiality and of Man. How m...
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It can easily be proved That modern sciences Derive from ancient sciences As the Indians say ! Ask any Computer What is Weekday today ?DOW, Day of Week And it will return 7 for Sat. Ask ?Cdow and it will Return Saturday for today. Sequential Weekday Order Is inbuilt in Computers. From where does this Sequential Weekday Order Derive from ? From Astrology And its concept of Planetary Hours ! Why Monday is after Sunday Can only be answered by Planetary Hours A day is made up of 24 planetary hours With the weekday lord's hour being first. First planetary hour is Saturn's As today, 21 11 2020, is Saturday Sequential Order of Kala Horas Sun, Ven, Mer, Moo ,Sat, Jup & Mars. Applying this Sequential Order We find that 22nd hour ruler Is Saturn followed by Jup and Mars And Sun becomes the 25th hour ruler. So tomorrow the first hour is the Sun's Hence called Day of Sun, Sunday ! Dies Sol, Ravi Var, Njayar Azhcha, Consecrated entirely to the Solar Logos ! No new thing...
Lunar derives from Stellar !
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Names of lunar months, Derive from stellar sources, Chaitra derives from Chitra, Aaswina from Aswini. A Full Moon means, Sun opposing Moon When Moon is in Libra, Chitra, Sun has to oppose in Aries ! During Chaitra, Sun Moon Opposition Occurs , when Vishu is celebrated Vishu vakhya sada Chaitre Jayathe Mesha Sankrama The Sacred Viashakha derives From the Jupiterian VIshakha When Full Moon in Scorpio Opposes Sun in Taurus. ( Vaishakhe Vrisha Sankranti) Sankranti in Sanskrit means, Solar Ingress in English, Solstice in Latin, And Somkran in Thai. Solar Month is where Sol is. Lunar months is where Luna is . Both are Twelve in Number, Chaitradi & Meshadi Months ! Gemini is Mithuna Solar Ingress into Gemini occurs During the lunar month of Jyeshta, Jyeshte Mithuna Samkarama During the lunar Aashada Cancer Solstice occurs Initiating the Southern Solstice, Projyate Dakshinayanam Also Sacred Ramayan Mas, Sun at 90 degrees, Gross Right Ascension 90 degrees, And declination +23 d...
Bramarambika Devi stotramalika || Goddess Bramarambika Devotional Song
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Positive Lunar Transit brings win for India !
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https://fb.watch/nCSHjqq4ct/ Yesterday, the Moon was transiting Poorva Phalguni, a Positive Star, and I knew that India will emerge triumphant. Afgh was in s sound position at 185/4, but then Bhumrah bowled India back into the game. 273 was not difficult to get and get they did as Rohit & Co made mincemeat of the hapless Afghan attack WTC 23 happened when Moon transited India's 8th Sign, the negative Chandrashtama. But Moon was transiting a Positive Star during the Asia Cup Final, which India won handsomely.
Eternal Music,Sanathan Sangeeth,Nada Yoga or Hindu Sacred Music,Musica Sacra,Musica Universalis,Music Therapy,Bhajans
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