
MATHEMAGIC Fadic Number Nine expresses Him The Fadic no 9 occurs not only in Vedic computations- but in Mathematics also. Circumference of Circle or Ellipse = 360 (3+6+0 = 9) That converted into minutes = 360*60 = 21600 That converted into seconds = 360*60*60 = 1296 000 Pi = 3.14159265 Year = 365.256 e = 2.718 Day = 24*60=1440 minutes Day = 86400 seconds Half Day = 720 minutes Radius in seconds =57.3*60*60 =206280 secs. Diameter in seconds =57.3*2*60*60 =412560 secs Pi = 180 Pi/2 = 90 Pi/4 = 45 Sin 90 = 1 Sin 270 = -1 Tan 45 = 1 Tan 135 = 1 Tan 225 = 1 Tan 315 = 1 Cot 45 = 1 Cot 135 = 1 Cot 225 = 1 Cot 315 = 1 Exponentiation of 3 or its multiples. 3*3 = 9 3*3*3 = 27 3^4 = 243 6^2 = 36 6^3 = 216 And what is this NINE? It is the number of Mars of materiality and of Man. How many gems are there? Nine. How many digits are there? Nine. How many planets are there? Nine. The Ninth Prosperity = Cosmic Consciousness. In the Vedic- 27 constellations are divided by 4 and so we have 108 Lunar Mansions. precession of the Equinoxes are 72 years per degree (which is also one human Life Span). Kali Yuga 432000 Treta 864000 Dwapara 1296000 Satya 1728000 _________________________ 4.32 billion years Age Cycle ( 72*30) = 2160 years Precessional Cycle (72*360) = 25920 years Equinoctial Cycle (2000*2160) = 43 20000 years Cosmological Cycle ( 2 million * 2160 ) = 4.32 billion years One Cycle of Brahma = 100 Brahma years One Day of Brahma = 4.32 billion years Hence one Super Cosmological Cycle or Maha Manvantara = 4.32*2*365.25*100 = 311.04 trillion years One Cosmological Cycle ( Brahma Kalpa) was considered to be one Brahma Day and another 4.32 billion years was considered to be one Brahma Night. One Cosmological Cycle was one thousand Equinoctial Cycles ( Chatur Yugas) or 2 million Age Cycles! No wonder He is defined as the Great Geometer ! Human Life Span = 72 years Precession of the Equinoxes= 72 years Eighteen, a multiple of Nine, is Sacred. There are 18 Sciences Intuitive 18 Arts Eternal 18 Siddhantas or Astronomy 18 Samhitas 18 Horas 18 Smritis or Ethics 18 Upa Smritis 18 Puranas on Mytholoy 18 Upa Puranas 18 Steps of Sabari 18 Principles of Sankhya 18 Chapters of Gita 18 Chapters of Walden 18 Parvas of Maha Bharata 18 Seer Poets or Rishis. Cosec 270= -1 Cos 180 = -1 Sec 180 = -1 9*3, 27, is also significant. 27 Constellations 27 Nitya Yogas 27 Njattuvelas 9*4, 36, has its significance too. The 36 Genii of the Egyptian Calendar were spread over the 36 decanates. There are 36 verses dealing with the 36 Drekkanas. 9*12, 108 shows its utility as the 108 Lunar Mansions. Madhyama Rajju Stars are Nine, with Venus, Saurn and Mars owning 3 stars ach. Ninefold Intelligence Theory was postulated by Gardiner. Ninefold Bridal Mysticism- Nava Vidha Bhakti Yoga- is the most important. Ninefold Deity of Durga is worshipped on Nine Nights- on Nine Lunations- as Nava Ratri D9 Chart is the most important in the Science of Time. Nine Gems included Dhanvantari, Kalidasa and Varaha in the Court of KingVikramaditya. Ninth House is the most important in Astrology. Any number multiplied by 9 will give 9 as Fadic Number. 108*9 = 972 81*9 = 729 44*9 = 396 Rightly He has been defined as the Geometrician or the Geometriciser!


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